“Look Out, Prague… Here I Come!”

Prague, home of the Beautiful Style, is truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world

Prague, home of the Beautiful Style, is truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world

I will be visiting Prague again — I have lost track how many times I have been able to visit the home of the Beautiful Style! — from March 21 thru March 28! I will be at the annual Conference on Evil and Human Wickedness, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year! My daughter, who currently lives in Germany with her husband and children, will meet me in Prague following the conference and so she, I, and the grandchildren (ages 8, 6, and 4) will see Prague together for a few days.

I will also be reading-signing books and talking with new friends and readers at 2 events: on Saturday, 22 March at the Andel Hotel at 7 p.m. and on Wednesday, 26 March at the Bohemia Bagel (Masna 2 location) at 7 p.m. Please come say “HELLO!” if you will be in Prague on either of those dates!

The Prague Post wrote a wonderful article about my upcoming visit! I also have an interview scheduled at Radio Prague while I am in town. The interview will be taped on Thursday, March 27 but I am not sure when it will be broadcast. I hope to post a link to the broadcast or podcast when it is available.

It has been almost 2 years since I was in Prague last, so I am very excited to have the opportunity and privilege to be there again — and especially to share the experience with my daughter, grandchildren, readers, and friends!

Come to the Brooklyn Book Fair on September 22!


I will have half-price discount copies of WOLFBANE, the novella that sets the stage for the adventures of Alexei the werewolf, at Booth #185. Find me beneath the “Stephen Morris, Author” sign, on SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 from 10am-6pm. The festival will be held

Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza
209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn NY 11201

The festival can be easily reached by several subway lines:

take the M, R, 2, 3, 4, or 5 trains to Court St/Borough Hall, or take the A, C, F trains to Jay St/Borough Hall.

More information about the annual festival can be found here.

If you cannot drop by and say, “Hello!” at the Book Festival, you can order WOLFBANE on Amazon here.

Discount copies of the Come Hell or High Water trilogy will be available at the Brooklyn Book Festival as well. Buy a set of the entire trilogy and get a FREE copy of Wolfbane!

Pre-Order your paperback of Part 3 NOW!

Fen'ka is consumed by flames on the Old Town Square and screams a curse over Prague with her dying breath!

Fen’ka is consumed by flames on the Old Town Square and screams a curse over Prague with her dying breath!

COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, PART 3: DELUGE is now available for pre-order and advance sales! Click here for the Pubslush.com site and then choose the level of “Support” that you prefer. For $15, an autographed paperback can be yours when the book is released in late April. Other levels of additional support, with other perks and awards, are available as well. Help support the final layout and design of the paperback by ordering yours TODAY!

NEW YORK/METRO AREA RESIDENTS: Order your advance copy on Pubslush and also receive an invitation to the Release Party. You can pick up your copy of the book at the party and have it autographed then.

If you want an eBook version now, you can download the Kindle version here.

As always: don’t forget to post a Customer Review on Amazon! The more reviews, the more Amazon (and other sites) will feature the books. Thank you!