New Top Rating!



A great BIG “Thank you!” to everyone who has responded to the Kindle Daily Nation feature on Come Hell or High Water, Part 1: Wellspring in the last few days. The response has been SO exciting! The sales ranking of the first in the Come Hell trilogy has shot through the roof!

We began the week with a sales ranking of 605,000+ but when the Kindle Nation Daily feature went live, we began to quickly rise through the ranks to a rating of 54,571 and then to 43,409 and now — as of Wednesday, January 30 — we have hit the 32,946 mark! That’s a tremendous rise in rankings, i.e. an increase of 565,000+ points!

Furthermore, although Come Hell, Part 2: Rising was not directly a part of the feature, it does appear in a sidebar. It’s ranking also rose, in tandem with the rise of Part 1: Wellspring and Part 2 reached a ranking of 95,000+ on Tuesday. (For purposes of comparison, the new Dresden Files book by Jim Butcher, Cold Days, has a rank of 905.)

Did you miss the feature? You can still see it here.

We are closing in on the top of the best-selling list! “Hip! Hip! Hurrah!”