“The Golden Tarot of the Tsar” (by A.A.. Atanassov and available thru Lo Scarabeo) depicts the Mother of God as the Empress, St. Parasceva as the High Priestess, and an anonymous woman martyr as the Queen of Pentacles.
Taurus people love everything that is good and beautiful, and they are often surrounded by material pleasures. People born under Taurus (April 20 – May 20) are very sensual and tactile. Touch is extremely important for them, both in business and in romance. Stable and conservative, Taurus is among the most reliable signs of the zodiac. Stubbornness is a trait that forces them to stick with projects to the end, in order to comply with the standards. As an earth sign (associated with the tarot suit of Pentacles), Taurus can be overprotective of their loved ones. They are great in making money and they will stick to their projects until it is successfully completed.
Bulls are often known for their stubbornness, but this can also be interpreted as a complete commitment to the execution of tasks. This makes Taurus people excellent workers and great friends, because they are always there, no matter what.
Their ruling planet Venus (associated with the tarot Empress), represents love, attraction, beauty and creativity. Thus, Taurus can be an excellent cook, entertainer, artist. They are loyal and don’t like sudden and unwanted changes. The moon, associated with the High Priestess card, is considered more important than usual in an astrological chart when it is found in the sign of Taurus.
These cards, together with the Bull, ask us several questions. Do you need spiritual guidance from a wise counselor? Are you being as fruitful as you can with the gifts nature has given you? Have you been paying enough attention to your inner life or just focusing on the outer life? Where are you in the cycle of planting your seeds, cultivating your garden and reaping what you have sown? In what part of your life do you need to “die” in order to be reborn?