“Was Paul Crucified for You?”

A Byzantine style icon of Christ crucified, with Adam’s grave in the hill beneath the Cross as St. John the Divine and the Mother of God stand on each side of Christ. The sun, moon, and angels are aghast at what they see happening on Golgotha. Christ’s eyes are closed, his body slumped against the Cross, and the footrest beam twisted diagonally which all indicate that Christ is already dead.

…each of you says, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? (I Cor. 1:12-13)

The parish in Corinth was torn apart by various factions, each claiming to be faithful to a different Christian teacher who was prominent or famous in one way or another. How did these factions differ? What did they teach that put them in opposition to each other?

The names of the teachers that each faction claimed to be faithful to are probably familiar. “Cephas” was the Apostle Peter. Apollos was a well-educated Jewish man from Alexandria (Egypt) who was “mighty in the Scriptures” (Acts 18:24) who knew something of Christ but was really taught everything he knew about Christianity by Priscilla at Ephesus (Acts 18:26); he was eventually made the first bishop of Crete (Titus 3:13).

We know that Peter and Paul had intense disagreements about how much of Jewish practice should be embraced by Gentile converts to Christianity. Priscilla and Apollos were dear co-workers with the Apostle Paul; how much could they have disagreed with each other?

If we read the New Testament carefully, we discover that there was not a simple dichotomy between “Jewish Christianity” vs. “Gentile Christianity.” There seem to have been four distinct styles of Christianity with four differing sets of what should be expected from Gentile converts.

Group One insisted that Gentile converts observe the whole Mosaic Law, including circumcision. The missionary work of this group (the “false brothers” of Galatians 2:4) was deeply antagonistic towards St. Paul.

Group Two did not insist on circumcision but did require Gentile converts to keep certain practices of the Mosaic Law (esp. kosher food). We see this reflected in the council described in Acts 15. This group looked to the Apostle Peter [Cephas] and St. James, the “brother of the Lord,” as their leaders.

Group Three did not require circumcision or other practices of the Mosaic Law (kosher food) but did see them as having a certain ongoing value, nevertheless. This seems to have been the group most reflective of the Apostle Paul’s own attitude.

Group Four did not require circumcision or other practices of the Mosaic Law (kosher food) and saw no abiding significance or value in Jewish cult or feast days. These views were more radical than those of the Apostle Paul and seem to be reflected in the sermon of St. Stephen (Acts 7), who insisted that God does not dwell in the Temple and refers to Mosaic Law as “your law” and “their law.”

The factions in Corinth seem to reflect these basic distinctions. As St. Paul discusses the problems in Corinth, we see how the factions are rooted in these differing attitudes toward Jewish practice and expectations of Gentile converts to the Church.

For more about these differing groups of “Jewish Christianity” see Antioch and Rome: New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity by Raymond E. Brown and John P. Meier. (Paulist Press. 1983, 2004)

Genesis? Romans? Or First Corinthians?

This 19th century Russian icon, known as the “Apostle John the Theologian in Silence,” shows the apostle contemplating the beginning verses of his gospel: “In the beginning was the Word….” Any icon of St. John which shows his fingertips on his lips– like a librarian saying, “Shhhh!”–is a warning to keep silent when approaching God if we hope to begin to understand even a little of divine revelation. Which biblical book should we begin to quietly contemplate next week?

Which is it to be? I am thinking about my next series of blog posts. Too many choices! But I have narrowed the selections down to three possibilities–a series about the book of Genesis, or about the epistle to the Romans, or the first epistle to the Corinthians.

That’s quite a short list, isn’t it?! It’s traditional to begin reading the book of Genesis in the post-Epiphany season and continue reading it until Holy Week approaches. So much of Genesis sets the stage for the drama of redemption in Jerusalem that our understanding of Christ’s Passion-Death-Resurrection can only be enhanced by understanding more about the book of Genesis.

Romans is always interesting–and frequently controversial. Many theological debates and battles have been sparked by someone reading a portion of Romans, sharing their insights, and someone else arguing, “That’s not what it means!” Struggling with Romans is to struggle with some of the most basic and yet sophisticated theological ideas.

Then there is the first epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Corinth was a cesspool of a city in the first century; a friend recently described it as “the Las Vegas of the first century!” The first Christian parish there had many difficulties, reflecting the difficulties in the city. There were several letters from church leaders to the parish in Corinth in the first two centuries, each urging the Corinthian Christians to get their act together! St. Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians is the first salvo in that series of epistles that attempt to deal with the problems in Corinth.

Which series would my readers be most interested in? What do you want to read a series of blog posts about? This is certainly not a democracy–I will make the final decision! But I am interested in knowing what you–my readers–think. Let me know which series you might be most interested in reading. Then see which one begins next week.

Or do you have another idea for a different series altogether? Let me know!