“Do not boil a kid in its mother’s milk”

“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.” (Exodus 23:19)

I remember as an undergraduate that someone read this verse and gasped, “Who would boil a kid in its mother’s milk!?” They were aghast at such an idea and it took several minutes for them to understand this the “kid” in question was a baby goat, not a human child.

Even so, few people would cook goat in milk nowadays. But no one makes rules about things that don’t happen. So we can deduce that several non-Israelite cultures in the Middle East evidently did cook goat in milk—a kind of cream-of-goat soup or a stew with a splash of milk in it—and the point of this command is that the Hebrews should not cook in the same ways as their neighbors.

The Hebrews already understood that they should not eat meat with “the life” (blood) still in it. Now they are told not to cook meat with milk. Is there a connection?

In the ancient and medieval worlds—really, until the early 1700s—milk and semen were thought to be blood that various organs (breasts and testes) had heated until it became warm and frothy. Blood, milk, and semen were all the same bodily fluid at different temperatures. So the command not to cook with milk is equivalent to being told not to eat meat with blood still in it.

Because of this identification of blood/milk, preachers have identified the Blood of Christ in Holy Communion with the milk Mother Church suckles her children—the Faithful—with. (In the second-third century, newly baptized people would receive the Precious Blood from one chalice and warm milk with honey from another chalice because they had been brought in to the Church, the true Promised Land that flows with milk and honey.) As Christ identified himself with a mother hen who gathers her chicks beneath her wings to protect them, his Blood is also the milk that sustains the newborn Christian who is newly baptized.

Images of the Blessed Virgin nursing the Christ Child is a Eucharistic image. She nurtured her Child with her milk, which is her blood. That milk/blood then becomes Christ’s own body/blood as a child. As he grows, that body/blood grow and mature and he then gives us his Body/Blood in Holy Communion. Everything human about Christ was given to him by his mother; we participate in his family connections when we participate in him. Body/Blood are fundamental to our humanity and sharing his, we share in everyone who also shares in him. (Read more about the Nursing Madonna here.)

Most Christians still refused to eat meat with blood in it until the 1600-1700s. Nowadays few people cook goat with milk but that’s because cuisine habits have changed, not because milk is still identified as a variation of blood. We forget how differently our Christian ancestors lived and what they took for granted; what do we think is self-evident today that will surprise Christians in three hundred years?

Murder in the Dark? Or the Second Coming?

If someone breaks into my house at night and I kill them, I’m not guilty of murder. But if the sun has begun to rise when my home is broken into, then I am guilty of murder if I kill the intruder. (Exodus 22) What’s the reason for this distinction?

Modern electricity makes us forget how dark a dark night can really be. If I kill an intruder in the middle of the night, the presumption would be that I couldn’t see who it was and couldn’t really aim —with a bat? A club? A knife or sword?—at the intruder. But if the sun has began to rise, then I can presumably see well enough to simply injure—rather than kill— the intruder.

It was dangerous in the dark. In the days before modern police or electricity, no one walked around at night unless they could afford a bodyguard. If I invited people to my house for dinner, that generally meant they would spend the night and sleep over at my house as well because it would not be safe for them to go home in the dark.

Jesus told many stories about how he would come a second time, at the End of Days, in the middle of the night. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. Without warning. Like an intruder or a thief breaking into a house. This second coming in the middle of the night was especially expected by early Christians at the Easter Vigil as the priest broke the Bread for distribution in Holy Communion. If the priest broke the Holy Bread and Christ did not return, Communion would continue as usual and the faithful would begin hoping that next year’s Easter Vigil would be the End of Days.

This expectation that Christ would return at the Breaking of the Bread came to be associated with the celebration of Holy Communion each Sunday as well. It became customary for the priest to break the Holy Bread and then pause, waiting to see if Christ would return to judge the world. If not, then Holy Communion would continue. But the whole congregation would hold their collective breath as the Bread was broken, waiting—hoping?—that today would be the day that time would end and Jesus would return.

“For when peaceful stillness encompassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent, your all-powerful Word from heaven’s royal throne leapt down into the doomed land ….” (Wisdom 18:14-15) This description of the night of the Passover in Egypt, when the firstborn died and Moses led the Hebrews to freedom, has also been seen as a description of the first Holy Saturday (when Christ smashed the gates of Death) as well as Christmas Eve (when the Word was born in Bethlehem). It can also be the description of the End of Time as the priest breaks the Holy Bread at the Easter Vigil. Darkness can be dangerous. Darkness can also be the time of salvation.

Read about Wisdom 18 as a description of Christmas Eve here.

Violence, Altars, and Modest Priests?

Aaron, brother of Moses, offers sacrifice as High Priest.
This stained glass window can be found in
Cathedral of Our Lady and St Philip Howard, Arundel

And the LORD said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the people of Israel: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have talked with you from heaven. You shall not make gods of silver to be with me, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold. An altar of earth you shall make for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offering, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I cause my name to be remembered I will come to you and. If you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stones, for if you wield your tool on it you profane it. And you shall not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness be not exposed on it. (Exodus 20:22-26)

Moses has just received the Ten Commandments and then God repeats what seems to be what he considers to be the most important commandment: “Do not worship any idols.” This is the summary of the Ten because authentic worship of the living God—not the futile worship of an idol, which stands for what does not exist or is untrue—covers and includes all the other commandments, just as Jesus summarizes the Law: “Love God …. Love your neighbor.”

Idol worship is not devil worship; an idol is not a devil, according to St. Paul. An idol is “no thing,” something that doesn’t exist. But we can insert ourselves into that empty space. Nature abhors a vacuum and we are made to worship. We will worship ourselves if we are not worshipping the true God.

Then God tells Moses, “Don’t use tools of violence to make an altar.” An altar is a place of peacemaking: making peace between God and humanity, God and specific persons, God and the whole created order. The place of such peacemaking should not be fashioned with iron tools (weapons). The sacrifice itself is violent enough.

Sacrifices were bloody affairs. Priests would cut the throat of the offered animal and blood would gush everywhere. He would catch the blood in a bowl. He would sprinkle the blood on the altar and the people. He would butcher the animal, cutting out the organs and cut the body into pieces; these organs and body parts—cuts of meat—would be roasted on the altar.

This was all very bloody, messy business. Priests wore very little as they did this, unlike the stained glass window of Aaron above. The vestments most priests wore during the actual sacrifice were loin clothes. (High priests would wear special vestments in certain occasions but these were constantly in need of being replaced because it was so hard to get the bloodstains out of the vestments.)

Because the vestments were so skimpy, it would be easy to see underneath the priestly loin cloth if the priest went up a few steps to the altar. So the altar was not meant to be more than a single step higher than the people on whose behalf the priest was making the sacrifice so that no one could see his nakedness.

Just like people are always wondering what a man is wearing under a kilt, people would peak to see what the priest had on under his loincloth vestment.