Francois Boucher’s 1734 painting, “The Rape of Europa,” shows Europa being abducted by Taurus the bull.
Taurus, the astrological sign governing those born April 21 to May 22, is a constellation depicting the bull featured in the Grrek myth of Europa’s rape. According to the tale, Zeus was enamored of Europa and decided to seduce or ravish her. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and mixed in with her father’s herds. While Europa and her helpers were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete. Zeus later re-created the shape of the white bull in the stars, which is now known as the constellation Taurus.
According to Herodotus’ rationalizing approach, Europa was a princess kidnapped by Minoans. His variant story may have been an attempt to rationalize the earlier myth; or the present myth may be a garbled version of facts—the abduction of a Phoenician aristocrat—later enunciated without gloss by Herodotus.
The etymology of her Greek name (εὐρυ—”wide” or “broad” + ωψ—”eye(s)” or “face”) suggests that Europa was a goddess represented by the cow (with a wide face), similar to the Egyptian Hathor, at least on some symbolic level.
A person born under the sign of Taurus is said to be highly sensual, steadfast, warm and affectionate.